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This is an unofficial translation of the HSOY rules.


HSOY ry Helsinki 2816608-8

  1. The name of the association is HSOY ry and its domicile is the City of Helsinki. In these rules, the association is referred to as a association.
  2. The purpose of the association is to support the general, common, intellectual and material aspirations of its members and to represent its members in various educational institutions and communities. In order to achieve its objectives, the Association shall organise meetings, discussions and information events, and shall follow and stimulate interest in professional developments in the field.
  3. The association has full members, honorary members, external members and sustaining members. A person studying for a business administration degree at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Ltd, a person studying business administration studies through the open pathway or a person studying for a Master’s degree in business administration can become a full member of the association.

    An external member may be a university student interested in the activities of the association who does not meet the requirements for full membership. Individuals interested in the association and its activities, as well as legally eligible entities that the board approves as supporting members, may become supporting members.
  4. The general meeting of the association may invite as an honorary member of the association a person who has made a significant contribution to the efforts of the association or to whom the association wishes to pay tribute in some other way. The meeting must be unanimous in its decision.
  5. The highest decision-making power of a association is exercised by the statutory meeting of the association. The statutory meetings of the subject association are the autumn and spring meetings.

    At the statutory meetings, the full members have the right to attend, speak and vote. External members, as well as sustaining and honorary members, have only the right to attend and speak.

    The highest decision-making power of a association is exercised by the statutory meeting of the association. The statutory meetings of the subject association are the autumn and spring meetings.

    If the board of the association or the statutory meeting so decides, the meeting of the association may also be attended by means of telecommunication or other technical means during the meeting.
  6. The Statutory Spring Meeting is held in April-May and is responsible for.
    • a. to elect a chairperson, a secretary and two scrutineers of the meeting;
    • b. to approve the annual report of the association;
    • c. approve the accounts of the subject association for the previous financial year;
    • d. decides on the discharge to be given to the board of previous year; and
    • e. decide on other matters submitted to the meeting.
  7. The Statutory Fall meeting is held in November-December and is responsible for.
    • a. to elect a chairperson, a secretary and two scrutineers of the meeting;
    • b. to approve the action plan of the association for the next term;
    • c. to determine the amount of the membership fee of the subject organisation for full members, external members and supporting members separately;
    • d. approve the budget of the association for the next term of office;
    • e. elect the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the board and the board for the following year, which elects a secretary and a treasurer from among its members;
    • f. elect an auditor and a deputy auditor for the subject organisation; and
    • g. decide on other matters submitted to the meeting.
  8. The Association shall convene an extraordinary meeting whenever the Board deems it necessary or if at least 1/10 of the members with voting rights request it in a written petition submitted to the Board.
  9. The invitation to a meeting of the association must be published electronically at least 7 days before the meeting. The invitation must mention the items to be discussed at the meeting. The invitation to the meeting of the association shall be sent to honorary members in writing at least 7 days before the meeting.
  10. Decisions at meetings of the Association shall be taken by a simple majority of votes, unless otherwise provided in these rules. In the event of a tie, the opinion of the chaiperson shall prevail, but in the event of an person election, the election shall be decided by lot. If required, voting shall be by sealed ballot. It shall also be possible to vote by proxy at the meeting, but with one proxy per member with voting rights.
  11. The minutes of the meeting of the association are kept as a basis for the decision. A revised copy of the minutes shall be submitted electronically by the secretary to the members within one month of the meeting.
  12. The affairs and property of the association are managed by the board of the association. The board shall consist of at least a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The board may also include up to 10 other members elected to the board for a period of one year. The members of the board must be full members of the association. Board members are elected by direct universal suffrage. All members of the organisation are entitled to vote.
  13. The board manages the activities of the associations and
    • a. prepares the matters to be discussed at the meetings of the association, convenes the statutory meeting of the association and implements its decisions;
    • b. supervise the management of the assets and finances of the association; and
    • c. decide on other matters that do not require a decision by the statutory meeting of association.
  14. If a member of the board resigns in the middle of their term of office or is permanently unable to perform their duties, the board must call a meeting of the extraordinary statutory meeting of association to elect a new member to replace them. The board shall convene this meeting within one month of the occurrence of the impediment.
  15. The board meets at the invitation of the chairperson or, in his absence, the vice-chairperson, and a quorum is constituted when the chairperson or vice-chairperson and 3 other members are present.
  16. Clubs and hobby circles to promote the hobby activities of the members and committees to prepare and study various matters may be set up within the association by decision of the board.
  17. The name of the organisation is signed by the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and treasurer, always two together. One of the signatories must always be the chairperson or vice-chairperson.
  18. The treasurer approves the invoices received by the association within the limits of the budget.
  19. The operating and financial period of the organisation is the calendar year. The financial statements and other necessary documents must be submitted to the auditor at least three weeks before the spring meeting.
  20. The auditor must submit the accounts, finances and assets of the subject association and submit their audit report to the board of the subject association at least two weeks before the spring meeting of the subject association.
  21. These rules can be changed at a statutory meeting of the association, if the change is mentioned in the invitation to the meeting, and if the change is supported by at least 2/3 of the votes cast.
  22. The decision to dissolve the association must be made at two separate statutory meetings held at least two weeks apart, requiring a majority vote of at least two-thirds. The meeting invitation must specify this agenda item.
  23. In the event of the dissolution or winding up of the association, the assets of the association shall be used to further the purposes of the association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution.